NewCluster - High resolution cosmological simulation of a massive galaxy cluster

NewCluster is a cosmological zoom-in simulation targeting a galaxy cluster of about 500 trillion solar masses.
- Code: RAMSES-yOMP (an OpenMP version of RAMSES)
- Mass: 8.6 × 1014 M⊙ (zoom-in region), 4.7 × 1014 M⊙ (Mvir of the final cluster)
- Volume: ~23,300 Mpc3 (zoom-in region)
- Resolution: ~70pc (cell), ~2 × 104 M⊙ (Star), ~1.3 × 106 M⊙ (DM)
- Cosmology: WMAP (h=0.704, ΩΛ=0.728, Ωm=0.272)
- Stellar feedback
- Core-collapse SN: Mechanical feedback (Kimm & Cen 14), delay time fixed to 5 Myr
- Type Ia SN: Mechanical feedback (KImm & Cen 14), delay time distribution derived from Maoz+ 12
- Stellar winds from PadovaAGB track
- Thermal / Kinetic AGN feedback from Dubois+ 12
- Dust evolution (Carbon and Silicate with 2 different sizes, 0.005 and 0.1μm)
- Chemical evolution model
- 9 Chemical species (H, C, N, O, Si, S, Mg, Fe, D)
- SNc yield based on Kobayashi+ 06
- SNIa yield from Iwamoto+ 99
- Stellar wind yield from PadovaAGB track
Raw Data
- File size: ~650GB per snapshot
- Snapshots: ~900 (planned)
- Particles: ~550,000,000 (DM), ~200,000,000 (Gas tracers), ~600,000,000 (Stars), ~700 (Sinks)
- AMR cells: ~1,800,000,000
Post-Processed Data
- Galaxy / Halo catalog based on HaloMaker
- Merger tree based on particle inheritance detection
Selected Supercomputing Times
- KISTI Supercomputing Center (Nurion)
- KSC-2022-CRE-0088 (20M hours)
- KSC-2022-CRE-0344 (20M hours)
- KSC-2023-CRE-0343 (20M hours)
- KSC-2024-CHA-0009 (70M hours)
- IBS Supercomputer (Olaf) (10M hours)
- TGCC Irene-Rome (40M hours)
- Run started on 2022/05
- Reached z=2 on 2023/03
- Reached z=1.5 on 2023/08
- Reached z=1 on 2024/07
MBH-galaxy (σ*, M*) relation
z~2 (click)

z~1.5 (click)

Galaxy mass function
z~2 (click)

z~1.5 (click)

Stellar-to-Halo mass relation
z~2 (click)

Galaxy stellar/gas chemistry (most massive galaxy)
z~2 (click)

Gallery (Click to enlarge)
Huge map (link)
Zoom-in region (15 cMpc/h wide)
At z=4.13
At z=2.27
At z=1.49
At z=1.17
15 most massive galaxies
At z=4.01
Stars (u-band flux)
Gas (Density)
At z=3.01
Stars (u-band flux)
Gas (Density)
At z=2.01
Stars (u-band flux)
Gas (Density)
At z=1.49
Stars (u-band flux)
Gas (Density)
Page last modified on August 28, 2024, at 10:49 AM KST
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