Former GEMers
Name | Interests | Current Position |
Sugata Kaviraj | Evolution of Early-Type Galaxy (ETG) | University of Hertfordshire, U.K. |
David Brown | Binary Star Interactions | Vatican Observatory, Italy |
Kevin Schawinski | Early-type Galaxy Formation & AGN Feedback | Modulo, Zurich, Switzerland |
Masato Onodera | High-z galaxy Evolution | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
Ena Choi | Galaxy Chemical Evolution | KIAS |
Joo Heon Yoon | Galaxy Merger & Environment | FICO |
SeongHee Kim | Globular Cluster Formation & Stellar Evolution | |
Taysun Kimm | Galaxy Formation & Evolution | Yonsei University, Korea |
Dowon Yi | Galaxy Merging & N-body simulation | LG Innotek |
Jihye Lee | Environmental Effects on Galxy Evolution | LG Electronics |
Hyewon Suh | Early-type Blue Core Galaxies | University of Hawaii, U.S.A. |
Hyunjin Jeong | Galaxy Merger Signature | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute |
Yun-Kyeong Sheen | Galaxy Environment & Post Merger | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute |
Michael Rutkowski | Stellar Populations of Early-type Galaxies | Arizona State University, U.S.A. |
Songyoun Park | Radio Astronomy | Seoul National University, Korea |
Intae Jung | N-body Simulations & the Large Scale Structure | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S.A. |
Inchan Ji | Hydrodynamic Galaxy Merger Simulation | .. |
Jaemin Kim | Envrinmental Effects on AGN | Korean Air |
Kyuseok Oh | Spectral Line Analysis | KASI |
Camilla Pacifici | Modelling of Galaxy Spectra | STScl, Baltimore, U.S.A. |
Jaehyun Lee | Semi-Analytic Modeling | KIAS |
Keunho Kim | Bulges in Late-type galaxies | University of Cincinati |
Honggeun Khim | Unified Model of AGNs | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. |
Hyemin Yoo | AGN Radio Astronomy | University of Arizona, USA |
Paula Calderon Castillo | Probing Galaxy Merger Features | University of Concepcion, Chile |
Rory Smith | Environmental Effects in Dense Environments | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute |
Sree Oh | Galaxies in Clusters | Australian National University, Australia |
Jinwoo Park | N-body Simulation & Galaxy Evolution | Hanyang University, Korea |
Jongwon Park | Numerical Hydrodynamic Simulation | University of Maryland, U.S.A. |
Hoseung Choi | Galaxy Spin Evolution Using Numerical Simulations | Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute |
Emanuele Contini | Semi-Analytic Models | Nanjing University, China |
Seoyoung Lyla Jung | Merging Galaxies and their SMBHs | Oxford University, UK |
Minjung Park | Formation of Milky Way-like galaxies | Harvard University, U.S.A. |
Donghyeon Khim | Kinematic Misalignment between Stars and Gas | University of Arizona, U.S.A. |
Seonwoo Kim | Galaxy Formation and Evolution in Cluster Environment | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, U.S.A. |
Hyojeong Kim | Satellites around MW-like hosts | |
Yoonkwan Bae | AGN study using SKIRT | |
Yeonho Kim | Baryon fraction evolution in galaxy | |
San Han | Cosmological simulation | IAP, France |

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